Creating a Themed Wedding

Nicole & James’ Glastonbury Inspired Wedding

Consider What The Theme Would Be

Of course, the obvious starting point is to decide on what the actual theme would be. Is there a particular cause that is close to both of your hearts? Could it be that you have a shared interest in a particular genre of music, a sporting club or even an international destination? And is the theme appropriate for the occasion? It would help to create a list of several themes, and to discuss the various themes that the two of you have in mind with family and friends.

Ultimately, though, it’s the happy couple that gets to make the final decision, but it’s worth taking as much time as necessary to select the best possible theme for your wedding.

Make Sure The Theme Is Deliverable

This is an element that people may overlook. You might decide on a specific theme that sounds amazing on paper, but is it possible to bring the vision to life? That’s why you and your partner should consider how feasible your theme is based on the availability of products, the budget that you set out for your big day, and also whether the theme will go down well with attendees.

We mentioned the idea of a sporting club, but if we use football as an example, is it advisable to base the whole day around a club that could be the rivals to the team that many of your guests support? So, once you both decide on a theme, take extra time to consider whether you can pull off a wedding with such a concept, otherwise it could create unnecessary headaches as you edge closer to the wedding day.

When the time comes to get married, you and your partner have only the limits of your imagination for how to celebrate the big day. However, have you thought about the possibility of having a themed wedding? This would allow everything from the ceremony to the evening party to the morning breakfast to stand out and be totally unique.

But how can you make this happen? Let’s delve into the topic!

Start Building Your Dream Theme Wedding!

Assuming that all is good to go with your theme, it’s time to start listing the items that you will need for your themed wedding to become a reality. This means picking the right attire to correlate with the theme as well as associated flowers and confetti. It means ensuring that the host venue for the ceremony and the related activities is appropriate for the theme that you have both selected. Furthermore, it could mean ensuring a specific music playlist for the evening party, as well as a particular menu of food for the lunches and breakfasts. And it could mean a special colour scheme for the likes of balloons and lighting. This is the most exciting part because you get to throw as many ideas out there as possible, and it’s totally fulfilling to see your themed wedding go from a concept to an actual event.

So, those are our thoughts on creating a themed wedding, but we can offer further guidance for you. We have hosted a variety of themed weddings here at Clawdd Offa Farm! Get in touch today to see how we can help bring your dream themed wedding to life!


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