5 Ways To Include Your Pet In Your Big Day

Mention Them During The Wedding

When you and your partner are committing to a future together, it could be that one or more pets are coming along for the ride. So, why not reference them during the day’s events by naming them as you discuss your prosperous future together.

Not only does it show the dedication that you will both have to your pet, but it will also bring a smile to the faces of the guests. And there’s also true significance behind the words since your pet really is going to be a crucial part of the relationship.

Include Them On The Invitations

A lot of pet-owners have an unbelievably close bond with their pet, whether it be a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a horse or anything else. So much so that when family and friends think of one or both partners, chances are that they’ll also think of their pet. With that in mind, you could be creative and include an image or illustration of your pet on the invitation cards that you send out to the guests. It’s a reminder that your pet isn’t going to lose any attention in the future!

Use Them On Photographs At The Party

So, the wedding ceremony itself is over, and it’s now time for the party! It’s a common trend to see photographs of the happy couple adorning the party venue, whether that be on the walls, on the tables or even on the doors as you walk in. But why not include a cute photo of your pet there as well? It will be something different, as it will mark a contrast to the typical photos of the couple themselves.

Want to bring your furry friends to your big day?

So, the big day has arrived and you’re getting married! You’ve booked your special day here at Clawdd Offa Farm, you’ve decided on a theme and you’ve got your guest list.. including pets!

Indeed, it’s not unusual for the happy couple to bring along their pet for the celebrations. But you could even make your pet a key part of the wedding day! How? Here are five suggestions!

Get A Pet-Themed Cufflink

Finally, you could even wear cufflinks that symbolise your pet. Cufflinks could be considered a truly meaningful part of the wedding attire to many, and therefore they often represent something special in the happy couple’s lives. By having cufflinks that recognise your pet, it’s a heartfelt message that proves beyond any doubt just how important your pet is to you.

Make An Associated Charity Donation

Our ideas thus far have focused on making people smile and laugh, but here’s a suggestion with a serious message. If you wish to contribute to the future welfare and safety of animals just like your pet, you could arrange for there to be a relevant charity donation on the big day. This means that everyone can contribute towards safeguarding animals from potential cruelty.

These are just a few ways of the many ways to incorporate your pet into a wedding day here at Clawdd Offa. Don’t forget that we do accommodate your pets on your special day! If you are planning your wedding, get in touch with Jo and the team today on 01978 761717.


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