Sustainable Tips For Your Wedding

Make Eco-Friendly Invites And Menus

One example is to produce invites and menus with an eco-friendly material such as corn or plant fibres. It would not only make the wedding literature more unique and memorable, but it would have a positive impact on the environment. And when your guests look back at their wedding invitations in the future, it may also remind them to keep doing their bit to help the planet moving forward.nue if you really want to go that extra step in keeping smiles on the kid’s faces.

Support Ethical Brands

Another approach is to support ethical brands when bringing together everything that you need for the special occasion. While it’s understandable to stick with the tried and tested or even the big-budget suppliers, it doesn’t bring the same level of satisfaction as it does to help a business which may be of a lower profile, but which places a much higher significance on helping our environment long beyond the wedding day.

Choose Plastic-Free Confetti

A key element of the global efforts towards tackling climate change is to significantly reduce the amount of plastic usage. And you could play a role in this movement by choosing to use confetti that doesn’t contain any plastic. Every little effort helps, and again it could also demonstrate a positive message for your guests to follow, including those who may be preparing for a wedding of their own.

There is nothing quite like planning a wedding so that you and your guests (and of course your partner!) have the best possible day. But at the same time, it’s also possible to make a positive impact from the approach that you could take towards the day’s events, especially when it comes to going green. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways that you can have the most sustainable wedding possible!

Rent When You Can

Did you know that renting clothes has a smaller carbon footprint than purchasing them? This is partly because there’s a need to keep clothes in a better condition if they’re hired, but it’s also due to the level of care that’s provided to clothes which could be worn by a great many wedding guests. Therefore, if it’s possible to rent for the big day, we would recommend that you do so, because it could help us all in the long run.

These are some of the suggestions when it comes to having the most environmentally friendly wedding possible. But what else could you do to make sure that things go as green as possible? Perhaps you even have some stories to share of your own about how to have a sustainable wedding day! Learn more, or get in touch with us to offer suggestions!


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